International model trains are miniature replicas of real-life trains that are made to a scale and used for hobby and display purposes. International trains are a great way to customize your railroad layout. They are popular all over the world, with train enthusiasts around the world. These international models can range in size and complexity, from simple and small toys to large and intricate models that are handcrafted with great detail.
International model trains come in many different scales, with the most popular being HO scale, which is 1:87, and N scale, which is 1:160. These scale models allow for the creation of railroad models that are realistic and accurate, while still being small enough to be displayed on a tabletop or in a model railway setup. Some railroaders even create entire model train layouts, complete with miniature landscapes, buildings, and vehicles, which can be very elaborate and highly realistic.
Find a wide variety from a number of international railroads here at Model Train Stuff.